Tuesday, January 24, 2006


i sit here alone,
waiting for my cuts to bleed,

i sit here so silently,
waiting for my cuts to bleed,
waiting for the tears,

i sit here late at night,
waiting for my cuts to bleed,
waiting for the tears,
waiting for sadness to envelop me,

i sit here in the bath-tub,
waiting for my cuts to bleed,
waiting for the tears,
waiting for sadness to envelop me,
waiting for my identity,

i sit here in agony,
waiting for my cuts to bleed,
waiting for the tears,
waiting for sadness to envelop me,
waiting for my identity,
waiting for my heart to beat,

i sit here in the cool of the night,
waiting for my cuts to bleed,
waiting for the tears,
waiting for sadness to envelop me,
waiting for my identity,
waiting for my heart to beat,
waiting to be found,

i sit here in the twilight,
waiting for my cuts to bleed,
waiting for the tears,
waiting for sadness to envelop me,
waiting for my identity,
waiting for my heart to beat,
waiting to be found,
waiting for someone to care,

i sit here in the familiar blackness,
waiting for my cuts to bleed,
waiting for the tears,
waiting for sadness to envelop me,
waiting for my identity,
waiting for my heart to beat,
waiting to be found,
waiting for someone to care,
waiting to live or waiting to die,
i will be waiting forever,


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