Thursday, October 11, 2007

Not Me

I am not the girl who does these things
I’m not the one you see
This crazy, horrible nonsense
Has not been done by me
I don’t throw up the things I eat
I never skip a meal
I’m not someone who hurts herself
And I would never steal
I don’t have any secrets
I’ve no need to tell a lie
I’ve never attempted suicide
I’ve no reason to want to die
I’ve never been in the hospital
Or an ambulance or cop car
I’ve never lived in a group home
Nowhere near, or far
I’ve never been in restraints
I’ve never been sent away
Never been in treatment
Or had meds brought on a tray
I don’t need to take pills
I am already sane
I don’t need to go to therapy
I’ve got nothing to gain
I sleep soundly every night
No trouble there, it seems
I’ve never had a flashback
I never have bad dreams
I've never been abused
Physically or sexually
Nor emotional or mental
It's never happened to me
I’ve never dissociated
Never had a panic attack
I’m not this person people think I am
So please, just take a step back
This awful girl you're speaking of
This terrible person you see
You must be mistaking with someone else
Because, it's just not me

Please God....

If God can make me better
He can choose to make me well
Why won't He do it now?
I want out of this Hell
If He can see it all
He can see that I'm in pain
And He can choose to help
He can choose to make me sane
God hears everything
He hears me as I cry
He hears me as I scream
He knows I want to die
God's fingers feel my scars
His eyes can see the blood
He hears it hit the ground
Dark red & thick, like mud
So why has He not helped me?
Does He want me to live this way?
I just don't want to be like this
I can't stand it another day
So God, if you are reading
My prayer is that you'll try
To help me mend my broken heaert
And hold me as I cry